Which Fourth Wing Character You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Fourth Wing and Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros.


  • Characters in
    Fourth Wing
    showcase complexity, making them easily relatable to readers
  • Readers’ zodiac signs can reveal which characters from
    The Empyrean
    series they’re most like.
  • Each character in
    The Empyrean
    series embodies the distinct characteristics of certain astrological placements.

Fourth Wing introduces a wide range of characters, many of whom become important players in The Empyrean series, and one can determine which of Rebecca Yarros’ characters they’re most similar to by looking at their zodiac sign. Each of the 12 zodiac signs is associated with its own traits, which include a variety of strengths and weaknesses. Violet Sorrengail and the people she comes into contact with at Basgiath War College all have their share of both.

Yarros gives her characters plenty of complexity, making them feel both believable and relatable. Readers may uncover who they relate to the most, however, by looking at which Fourth Wing character is most aligned with their zodiac placement. Most of the characters’ birthdays aren’t specified in The Empyrean books, but their personalities offer an idea of which sign they represent.


10 Pieces Of Fourth Wing Fan Art That Make Us Want The Next Book Even More

Fans of Fourth Wing who already want the next book can dive into these amazing pieces of fan art to amplify their excitement even more.

12 Aries – Violet Sorrengail

March 21 – April 19

Art by @aokiart_

Violet Sorrengail may be a July baby in The Empyrean series, but her personality traits are far more aligned with those of an Aries. Those with Aries placements are both direct and assertive, and these qualities make them exemplary leaders. Although Violet’s connection to the rebellion prevents her from taking on a true leadership role at Basgiath, she repeatedly inspires the other characters around her. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and she grows into the confident nature of an Aries as she evolves as a dragon rider.

She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and she grows into the confident nature of an Aries as she evolves as a dragon rider.

While Violet is fearless and forward, she also demonstrates the impulsivity that many who claim Aries as their zodiac sign have. When Violet becomes angry, she’s not afraid to pick fights — even if it’s with people like Xaden, who can likely win them. Despite her quick temper, Violet forms strong bonds with the people she cares about, and she values trust and honesty above all else. Fourth Wing‘s lead is also eager to follow her own path and prove herself. She’s an Aries through and through, even if her sun sign doesn’t place her there.

11 Taurus – Tairn

April 20 – May 20

Fan art of Violet saving Andarna and being protected by Tairn during the Threshing in Fourth Wing
Art by @Rosiethorns88

Those with Taurus placements are immensely loyal and dependable (via Co – Star), and that makes this zodiac sign perfect for Violet’s dragon, Tairn. In Fourth Wing, it’s revealed that Tairn was so committed to his last rider that he refused to bond with another until Violet came along. He’s also proven endlessly devoted to Violet. He works with her physical abilities and always ensures she’s safe. He also goes to great lengths to protect her from anyone hoping to cause her harm.

While Tairn showcases the loyalty of a Taurus throughout The Empyrean series, he also demonstrates their stubborn nature. Tairn can be difficult to reason with, especially when his anger gets the better of him. This can be attributed to his fierce loyalty and passion, but it’s likely due to his age and rarely needing to compromise as well.

10 Gemini – Ridoc Gamlyn

May 21 – June 20

Anyone with Gemini as their zodiac sign is likely the life of the party, and Violet’s friend Ridoc has the outgoing and upbeat nature of a Gemini throughout Fourth Wing. Like Ridoc, those with Gemini placements tend to befriend others easily (via Co – Star). They can also masterfully read the room, and they’re particularly good at easing tensions with humor. Ridoc is the funniest of Violet’s friends at Basgiath, and his sociable personality makes him most in line with this zodiac sign.

Ridoc also demonstrates the impulsivity of a Gemini, and he’s been shown to lose his temper in certain situations. Overall, though, Ridoc’s strongest Gemini traits can be seen in his extroverted personality. While all of Violet’s friends strive to make friends and strike up romances at Basgiath, Ridic stands out as the most interested in other people.

9 Cancer – Andarna

June 21 – July 22

Fanart of Violet Tairn and Andarna flying in Fourth Wing
Art by @emily.e.draws

Violet’s first dragon most resembles Taurus placements, but Andarna is more aligned with Cancers. As Andarna is still growing up, it’s hard to say exactly what her personality is. However, the traits associated with Cancer placements are seen in Andarna’s behavior throughout Fourth Wing and Iron Flame. Andarna showcases her loyalty in both Empyrean books, and she’s emotionally in tune with the people she cares about. Those with Cancer as their zodiac sign are often good at empathizing with and remaining true to others (via ZodiacSign.com).

Cancer placements can also be moody and temperamental — and although it might just be a phase, these qualities describe Andarna throughout Iron Flame. As the young dragon embodies the strengths and weaknesses of Cancers, she’s the Fourth Wing character they’re most similar to. Whether that will change in Onyx Storm remains to be seen.

8 Leo – Rhiannon Matthias

July 23 – August 22

Fan art of Rhiannon and Violet from Fourth Wing
Art by @meiflowersketches

Rhiannon is Violet’s first and best friend at Basgiath, and there’s no doubt that she has all the traits associated with Leo placements. People with this zodiac sign tend to be natural-born leaders, but they also tend to make decisions with their hearts (via Co – Star). Rhiannon is bold and unafraid to go against the grain, especially when it comes to the people she cares about. She also becomes section leader in Iron Flame, a testament to her leadership skills and influence on other people.

Leos enjoy attention and praise, and they can come off as cocky at times. This describes many of Violet’s peers at Basgiath, including Rhiannon. Rhiannon can also be pushy when she feels she’s being kept in the dark. These are all Leo traits, driving home how much she suits this zodiac sign.

7 Virgo – Dain Aetos

August 23 – September 22

Dain is a divisive character throughout Fourth Wing and Iron Flame, and he creates many problems for Violet at Basgiath — though his heart often seems to be in the right place. Dain is incredibly intelligent, ambitious, and has perfectionist tendencies. Because of these qualities, he’s best aligned with Virgo placements (via Co – Star). Dain’s ability to rise through the ranks at Basgiath is mostly due to the traits he shares with Virgos. He’s hardworking and goal-oriented, though sometimes these aspects of his personality come back to bite him.

Dain’s ability to rise through the ranks at Basgiath is mostly due to the traits he shares with Virgos.

Like many Virgos, Dain can be a harsh critic, both towards himself and other people. The fact that he doesn’t believe Violet will survive her first year at Basgiath — and actively condemns her means of passing tests like the Gauntlet — highlights how critical Dain can be. Dain also struggles to be vulnerable throughout Yarros’ books, an issue that Virgo placements may also deal with.

6 Libra – Brennan Sorrengail

September 23 – October 22

Violet’s brother, Brennan, is thought to be dead in Fourth Wing, but he makes a surprising comeback at the end of the first book. Readers get to know him during Iron Flame, and it becomes increasingly clear that he embodies the qualities of a Libra placement. Ruled by the scales, Libras can come off as inconsistent. Violet notes that her memories of her brother don’t quite match the man she reunites with in Iron Flame, and this could be why. Brennan alters his behavior depending on who he’s around, and this is something Libras are known for.

Of course, this tendency makes Brennan a diplomatic leader — and he proves that he’s capable of diplomacy by leading the rebels and eventually offering aid to Navarre. He’s indecisive about this at first, though, showcasing another known Libra quality. Brennan is also a generally caring and empathetic person. While the war hardens him, these traits are evident through his healing abilities and the journal he writes to Mira.

5 Scorpio – Xaden Riorson

October 23 – November 21

Violet and Xaden training in Fourth Wing
Art by @Rosiethorns88

Xaden is one of the most complex characters in The Empyrean series, and his mysterious and intimidating nature aligns well with Scorpio placements (via Co – Star). Scorpios tend to be highly aware of power dynamics and the darker parts of the world, and given Xaden’s place as leader of the rebels, he’s forced to acknowledge these things head-on. Xaden’s second signet makes him adept at reading people, something Scorpios tend to do when interacting with others.

Xaden’s second signet makes him adept at reading people, something Scorpios tend to do when interacting with others.

Xaden’s secretive nature and difficulty opening up to others also give him qualities in common with many Scorpios. While Xaden eventually allows himself to be vulnerable with Violet, this takes time — and that’s in line with how Scorpios tend to treat interpersonal relationships. Xaden’s extremely loyal when he does let himself care about someone. He also embodies the passion and will that make Scorpios such impressive leaders (via PrepScholar).

4 Sagittarius – Sawyer Henrick

November 22 – December 21

Sawyer is one of the least-developed Fourth Wing characters, so it’s hard to say definitively which zodiac sign suits him the best. However, he does have quite a bit in common with Sagittarius placements, even if he doesn’t embody every single one of their traits. Sawyer is touted as one of the smarter people in Violet’s year at Basgiath, likely because it’s his second go-round as a “first year.” Sawyer doesn’t bond with a dragon the first time around, but he tries again, showcasing resiliency. He doesn’t seem afraid to fail, nor does Sawyer seem fearful in social situations or battle.

As Sagittarius placements are also unafraid of exploration and fairly intelligent (via Co – Star), Sawyer seems to fit with this zodiac sign. The optimistic outlook and determination of Sagittarius placements also apply to Sawyer’s situation. He needs both to redo his first year at Basgiath, along with Sagittarius’ appreciation for self-improvement.

3 Capricorn – Mira Sorrengail

December 22 – January 19

Violet’s sister, Mira, is introduced as both successful and ambitious — and these qualities give her a lot in common with Capricorn placements. Capricorns don’t necessarily perform at a high level for the applause, but they do seem to plow through obstacles until they reach their goals (via Co – Star). Like Mira, Capricorns are hard workers who have a great deal of control over their actions and emotions. Mira’s drive aligns well with these Capricorn qualities.

Although Mira is a cool and logical person, she does have a strong moral code, which her actions in Fourth Wing and Iron Flame speak to. This, too, is a Capricorn tendency, and Mira balances it with the zodiac sign’s ambition impressively. This is probably why she makes an ideal leader in The Empyrean series. Of course, she also showcases some typical Capricorn stubbornness. That seems to run in the Sorrengail family.

2 Aquarius – Imogen Cardulo

January 20 – February 18

Aquarius placements are interesting because they tend to stand out — but despite their distinct personalities, they also thrive in group settings (via Co – Star). This sounds a lot like Fourth Wing‘s Imogen, whose pink hair and confrontational personality certainly leave a strong impression. However, Imogen holds an important place among Basgiath’s Marked Ones, and she proves a valuable person to have in one’s corner. She typically doesn’t go out of her way to befriend anyone, but she also showcases loyalty to those she respects and relates to.

Like many Aquarius placements, Imogen has no problem bluntly stating unpopular opinions or pushing back against the way things are. This makes her a threat to Violet during the early chapters of Fourth Wing. However, it becomes one of her more endearing qualities as readers get to know her better in Iron Flame.

1 Pisces – Liam Mairi

February 19 – March 20

It’s fitting that Pisces placements claim fish as their symbol, as many people with this zodiac sign are adaptable and able to go with the flow. Pisces placements are often self-aware, caring, and intuitive (via Allure), making this the ideal zodiac sign for Fourth Wing‘s Liam. Liam does what he’s asked to do, often without question, though his conversations with Violet make it clear that he’s more contemplative than he lets on. Liam also makes friends easily and demonstrates high levels of loyalty, just as many Pisces placements do.

Pisces placements are often self-aware, caring, and intuitive,

making this the ideal zodiac sign for
Fourth Wing
‘s Liam.

Pisces also tend to make great artists, which is fitting given Liam’s hobby in Fourth Wing. Violet’s friend often works on small carvings, highlighting his creativity. Liam meets a lot of the criteria for being a Pisces when it comes to the sign’s strengths, though he fits less well with its weaknesses. While Pisces tend to take a glass half-empty approach to life, Liam is more positive. Still, his other qualities make him the Fourth Wing character most similar to this zodiac sign.

Source: Co – Star, ZodiacSign.com, PrepScholar, Allure
