The 10 best Warhammer games to play right now

To the uninitiated, trying to find the best Warhammer games is a completely baffling task. Warhammer is science fiction and it’s fantasy. It’s little plastic soldiers, and it’s novels, comics, scented candles, and video games. It’s a niche hobbyist thing, and Henry Cavill won’t shut up about it. 

But if you really boil it all down, Warhammer is about amazing settings and has given us some of the best strategy games of all time. The fantastical landscapes of the World-That-Was and the future hellscapes of the 41st millennium may be packed with lore, but fundamentally, they’re sandboxes for you to stomp around in – epic backdrops for your own stories of triumph and defeat. It’s this sandbox quality that the best Warhammer games exploit, taking advantage of the decades of world-building and the thousands of tantalizing narrative threads to generate rich worlds for you to conquer and (in all likelihood) liberally coat in blood. 
