Pakistan akan menjadi tuan rumah Champions Trophy 2025, ICC ‘puas’ dengan persiapannya: lapor

Ketua Dewan Kriket Pakistan Mohsin Naqvi telah meyakinkan ICC bahwa pekerjaan renovasi akan selesai sebelum Piala Champions 2025

The International Cricket Council (ICC) is reportedly satisfied with Pakistan’s preparations for the Champions Trophy 2025. The country is racing against time to host the marquee tournament in February next year, with renovation works underway in two out of the three proposed venues. Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chief Mohsin Naqvi has reportedly assured the ICC officials that the renovation work would be completed on time and that Pakistan is ready to host the event.

Pakistan set to host Champions Trophy 2025

As per Cricket Pakistan, the report presented by PCB’s Naqvi on the final day of the meeting stated that the renovation works at Karachi, Rawalpindi and Lahore would be completed in time for Champions Trophy 2025. Additionally, he also invited the board members to visit Pakistan and oversee the preparations personally. It is pertinent to point out that an ICC delegation has already made multiple visits to Pakistan to inspect the preparations over the past few months.

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